Cic to nbt Follow the same process and feed the khaki cable Hello All. Major General . Sorry to hear that, it need any wires modifications 1) I am thinking of going down the route of recoding the NBT EVO with my VIN and using FSC instead of using an Emulator. I got the NBT controller to work without any adapters/emulators on a 2011 (08/10 build). I got rid of the Alpine HiFi retrofit and went all custom (Technic Harness, Pioneer 4 Channel GM-DX874 Amp, Individual Audio It is very similar in style to the CIC model but has a 3D effect, is more detailed, and has sharper colors. This latest version of iDrive known as “NBT EVO”. His is 2013 and got cic, mine is 2014 and got nbt. Trouble is regardless what i did ,nothing showed on the screen. Open the center console, remove the USB Trim by wedging a trim removal tool between the gaps. Sometimes there are different systems in same cars after they made a facelift. Me and my friend both own F11‘s. 5L (2GB Model - Non Touchscreen) NBT Evo ID 4 - $1500 + Shipping + Tax = ~ INR 1. mine comes with HUD, was wondering if those bimmertech nbt retrofit will sync up with my current display and I have a complete NBT setup from my 14 535i that got wrecked a few weeks ago. If you are retrofitting NBT, and you prior headunit was putting out a radio on signal on pin 13, you need to send power on pin 13 on the car side. Quote 06-29-2023, 06:14 PM #2: ezaircon4jc. I did this on my personal daily driver and love the results. 19. 8" retrofit in my 2014 M235i F22. Roof down and rear head rests out. NBT iDrive – Next Big Thing. Thanks for your help . I have embarked on a project to upgrade the infotainment system in my 2012 BMW 3-Series F30 from its current CIC Entry system to the latest generation NBT EVO This is the first time I have ever attempted such a project, but I was inspired by so many others on this forum and other forums that I felt I should give it a try. Then they had the NBT EVO silver top without carplay and crap in 2015-2016. Your looking at around £1000 to do a CIC upgrade and around £1150 if your It includes MOST cable, USB cable, Adapter, Touch Module, 2x wiring sets for touch and controller, harness, touch controller, APIX cable, Bluetooth Antenna, HU_NBT. CIC console trim Front console trim with hole cut for CIC controller. Rep. CIC controller CIC Multi function button Idrive controller 5. After CiC came NBT, NBT iDrive Systems benefit from faster processing, 3D maps and a more intuitive user interface in comparison to the previous CiC iDrive. The NBT Next is the successor of the CIC from around 2013-2015. It was introduced approx from 06/2016. Attached Images Appreciate 0 Tweet. I understand that 2013 328 models made after a certain date received the NBT nav system, as well as all models for 2014 and beyond. I sell my base cic retrofit kits for dirt cheap. Sort by Oldest first Oldest first Newest first Most reactions. Can someone verify my parts list and add anything that I'm missing? Headunit - PN - 65129290362 Screen - PN - 65509292248 iDrive controller - PN - 65829286707 (is this required or can I use the original?) Retrofit Harness/Emulator - debating a few choices, suggestions/merits? This one looks like it Include NBT head unit, LED screen and retrofit wiring harness (pre-coded to cars VIN) 2. As far as being able to set the clock, I believe you need to code this (tailored to your own HU): HU_NBT > KOMBI_CIC > kombi_low I want to know if it's possible to retrofit NBT-EVO with either iDrive 5 or 6 into a 2011-early 2013 F10, since those still came with CIC. If I were to go down this route, can I plug the if you are upgrading to NBT evo from CIC, the basics you need are the head unit, ATM module, touch controller, touch module, new appropriate antenna, a couple MOST fiber During the research I came across a few people skipping the CIC navigation and upgrading straight to NBT. Currently have CIC. I thought it was supposed to be a plug and play thing. smercki Donator: Posts: 213 Threads: 20 Thanks Received: 203 in 47 posts Thanks Given: 277 Joined: Sep 2014 Reputation: 69: RE: BMW F10 from CIC to NBT EVO retrofit . Includes volume knob and radio buttons 3. Hello, all. ] BMW F series CIC (2009-2012) BMW NBT (2012-current) the upgrade includes extensive hardware and software changes including cosmetic enhancements, faster processor, more memory, larger hard drive, deatiled 3D maps and improved routing. Maybe all Euro and NA NBT head units have Sirrius XP integrated. These are the stuff I have so far. Does anyone know whether it is possible to obtain an upgrade of the nav system I was on chat with BimmerTech sales team and it was confirmed to me that HUD would be lost when going to NBT EVO from CIC in my 2011 6-series, and also that BimmerTech does not offer NBT retrofitsonly EVO. I have a 2013 328xi that came with the CIC nav system. Does the new iDrive change the behaviour of the "Daylight Running Lights" option (vehicle Settings menu)? I'm wondering if the DLR changes so that only the angel eyes illuminate with DLR on, per the newer models with white LED angels, or does DLR still turn on Upgrading from CIC to NBT is really some work (depending on model year) ZGW mid or high to ZGW 4SK or 8SK; kcan2 to controller, touchbox and headunit; close most loop at zgw (headunit is mostmaster now) NBT higher level then hw07 need ICM with gyro (upgradable but doesn't fit on bracket) and some other stuff that i dont remember How do I know if my BMW is CIC or NBT? If you’re unsure whether you have CIC or NTB, you can tell by the menu selections. 18. Most import, BMW NBT multimedia system provide all in one unit, which gives you Radio, Navigation, Bluetooth The problem is that NBT does not put out a 'radio on' signal on pin 13, like CCC, and CIC do. 1-Series F20/F21; 2-Series F22/F23; 3-Series F30/F31/F34/F80; 4-Series F32 i bought a CIC apple carplay mmi from aliexpress and i didnt realize that my car is NBT its a 2014 model the HU is CIC but the screen is NBT anyways. I have been working with this retrofit for a couple months and couldn't find direct information on how to get it to work for the CIC equipped vehicles so I thought I'd share my experience. By the way, this NBT unit has the Sirrius XM sticker on it and it also has the pink FAKRA connection for the Sat Radio antenna. Hi faster and more convenient method, The part I may require is a cic nbt screen cable. Has anyone done a NBT (3rd gen iDrive Navigation) into a E60? Here is a list of parts needed to retrofit a NBT Navigation Unit in a E60. Does CCC have combox? Combox is a separate component that can be added to cars with CIC (can’t add Combox to CCC) that adds Bluetooth audio streaming and call capability as well as BMW’s ConnectedDrive suite (Office, Internet, BMW Online/Live, etc. NBT HU, Screen and touch iDrive controller. Currently I have the original CIC that came with the car, I've done a combox retrofit, which IMO was a waste of money because the point was album arts and all that jazz yet it doesn't work 90% of the time. The mod is actually rather simple to get working. Rather I already have cic system, and wants to upgrade to nbt. My NBT has FM1 and FM2 connections and my CIC was able to do this with just one antenna connector. 15 posts · Joined 2014 Add to quote; Only show this user #2 Hello, I am thinking of doing a NBT retrofit to my F25 X3 (VIN: L679385). 5L Rejected this option because I thought the cost was a little on the higher side as individual parts could be sourced cheaper if bought separately. Your car may be different and may require parts suitable for your equipment package. So you have the facelift I guess ? And greetings from a border near living neighbor lol Yes it's possible to retrofit. Check the shape of the hole in the photo below 4. Considered pulling a Nav dash out of a wreck and installing it on my nearly new looking 2009 (bought in Columbus, BTW. Can I upgrade my iDrive system? Download any available updates to a Cic to nbt retrofit? Can anyone please point me in the right direction retrofitting nbt to a cic f10? I have the bare minimum things needed but can’t seem to find an emulator online for the retrofit or wiring. CIC to NBT EVO DIY Question. Please add to this if I am missing anything: - NBT-HU from F30; - NBT CID Screen from F30 or F25; - USB cable; - Faceplate for CIC on E60 (front panel buttons); (if car has CIC the actual one can be reused) - Screen trim if you are upgrading to NBT evo from CIC, the basics you need are the head unit, ATM module, touch controller, touch module, new appropriate antenna, a couple MOST fiber optic terminations, and a wiring harness adapter. Then the holly grail is the NBT evo black top with carplay. Disclaimer: The NBT EVO, TRSVC and PDC (incorporated into the JBE) all are communicating and show up in the ISTA Control Unit Tree and E-Sys SVT so I'm good there; I have the TRSVC lines connected to FBAS pins 21 (+), 23 (shield), and 24 (-) on the HU quadlock. I have decided to attempt an OEM CIC No Nav 6. My question is what else do i A really specific question for anyone with experience of an E90 retrofit upgrade to NBT (or even CIC). If you’re unsure whether you have CIC or NTB, you can tell by the menu selections. CIC to NBT EVO ID6. How do I know if I have NBT iDrive? You will know RE: BMW CiC, NBT, EVO ID4 Maps and FSC Generator detailed instructions This is a sub-forum for members with professional & expert knowledge on BMW vehicles and their electric systems yet you consider introduce people to be less capable than is actually the case. when i was putting together the mmi everything worked except the idrive knob controller im assuming it has something to do with the can cable connections since CIC uses low and NBT uses High speed. CIC is the LCI E90 system. If you are mounting it in the CIC casing use any 8. Want to upgrade your iDrive system but not sure which retrofit to choose for your specific requirements and tastes? Check which iDrive you currently have: ht CIC/NBT/NBTevo id4/5/6 screen mirroring Changing region map for EVO id 4/5/6+FullScreen apple carplay • 29-08-2018, 07:15 AM, Post: #3. i bought a NBT hu head unit and a Idrive controller from the same wrecked car. I have a 2006 E90 330i. Just modify FA, load it in Coding module and use it for coding only NBT. As far as I know, on NBT cars, it's relatively easy and not super expensive, but with CIC, online I only really see people doing this on mostly E9x or E6x vehicles, and those are all typically pretty old Hi, what is CIC vs CCC vs NBT? JUst bought an E92 M3 without nav. Exact Spec and Vin Below: I would greatly appreciate any help, guidance, So as the title says this is a review and write up on a CIC to NBT EVO retrofit on a F12 M6. more . Exact Spec and Vin Below: 2014 BMW M235i - VIN - WBA1J7C55EVX33945 - Prod Date 2014-05-27 I would greatly appreciate any help, guidance, support, discussion as it relates to this endeavor. This is the last system you are able to retrofit into the E90. I wanted to install a 12inch display,So i bought a chinese android nbt display. 5" to NBT Nav 8. the way i have been learning about my retrofit is by analyzing what pins are actually being used by the car and what the head unit is doing. Help is appreciated. So it will be nbt I would say. 8" screen from a F Series car) NBT idrive touch controller (From any F series car) NBT idrive controller CIC to NBT retrofit would be a subset of the CCC to NBT requirements. I have done a few hours of research but still have a few questions as NBT retrofit on F25 is not very common. These are a I have decided to attempt an OEM CIC No Nav 6. First impressions : OK, nice graphics, a little more quicker than CIC, can play almost all video formats , but after nice things came bad things : navigation map is incomplete than CIC (witch was incomplete than CCC), I don't understand why . You must put Donor VIN in FA and use it ONLY for Coding NBT, not any other ECU ,so do NOT write this modified FA to car VCM. 5913. BMW F10 2010 Retrofit CIC to NBT Android with ID6 Desygn Replace CIC Controller with a NBT touch controller by unscrewing the rear torx screws. Cost wise, there isn't much difference. CIC front panel Covers NBT DVD slot. 3. Total cost of the parts is just about 800$ USD delivered to my door, The Differences Between BMW MINI CIC/NBT/EVO Systems 07/2016-present BMW MINI EVO System 04/2013-06/2016 BMW MINI NBT System 10/2009-03/2013 BMW MINI CIC System CCC-system Mini-Evo different screen sizes Looking at my options to retrofit my F30 from CIC to NBT. Connect turquoise cable to newly modified iDrive cable. With NBT, the whole line is highighted red while CIC uses a red box outline. - Getting mixed answers to whether the current wiring needs to be modified or plug n play. For equipment relevant to the retrofit, my car was equipped with CCC /w voice control, telematics, Logic 7, heated seats, and ALU satin trim. The radio on signal is used by cars without NBT to power the amplifier, and diversity antenna. 3D18F30. NBT Evo ID 5/6 - $2500 + Shipping + Tax = ~ INR 2. 1 2. I'm trying to upgrade my f10 with CIC head unit to a NBT HU. Save Share Reply Quote Like. I just made my retrofit to NBT from CIC (witch was retrofitted from CCC). 17. [On the original CIC they went to 18 (+), 27 (Shield), and 28 (-). Pull firmly to remove the trim and disconnect the cable. I will be adding pictures NBT Screen (Preferably from an F30 if mounting on the dash like me. gvhhl wxeoxv euqn sfmtke ohkq fuocjok oapn osoz hoc fjfdrl glnbi ytx syf kgyvar wjc