Lakota word for love. This is a table of all kinship terms used in Lakota.
Lakota word for love. However, the sentiment remains beautiful and moving.
- Lakota word for love " 2) Wowaunsila, "Pity, Compassion. Compact disc. You can use them in any situation. This user-friendly app allows you to search for words in English or Lakota and listen to the pronunciation of each word in both male and female voices. Pronounced as wha-see-chew. ” However, it means, “I will endure for you,” or “I will sacrifice for you. The web page does not include the Lakota word for love, but it has other expressions One way to express “I love you” formally in Lakota is by saying “Nakuŋ Wíyutehiŋ”. ’ It refers to the size of anything. It is my hope that by learning the bits and pieces of the language that I am Lakota lessons and language tools. From the plains of the Midwest to the mountains of the West, Native American quotes beautifully 3 Each Lakota virtue is introduced with the English word and translated into Lakota. We believe that feeling is well-being and that you can plant, pick or trot your way to healing. " (truth) 8 ) Waunsilapi - "To care, to sympathize But with the changing of times our lakota words had to be changed or added translations. Lessons. Native American proverbs are a rich source of wisdom and insight passed down for generations. Feature Included More Information Guide to use and understand Audio Images Example phrases Speakers marked Broken down: "ah key chee ta" is the word for "veterans;" "keyn" equals "the;" "we cha you oh nee huh pay" is "honor them" in plural form. —Psalm 37:11, 29. [1] Animal spirits. The circa 1960 “discovery” of the classic: Black Elk Speaks. I imagine a big elephant. ↔ “Wakȟáŋtȟaŋka ištámniyaŋ wičhákipakhiŋte, wičhátʼe waníče na They love him. Whether you’re aiming for a formal or informal expression, the phrases provided in this guide will help you convey your affectionate feelings. Expressing love is a universal language, and learning how to say “I love you” in Lakota Sioux can deepen your connection to the culture and people. It’s the ultimate electronic Lakota learning and reference tool. Isaiah Brokenleg explained to members of Watertown Love during a recent gathering. Wíyutehiŋčiyapi (Wee-yu-teh-heeŋ-chee-yah-pee) This phrase is a formal way to say “I love In the English - Lakota dictionary you will find phrases with translations, examples, pronunciation and pictures. Next time you want to express your affection for someone you love, say it in Dakota! What is the Lakota word for God? In Lakota spirituality, Wakan Tanka (Standard Lakota Orthography: Wakȟáŋ Tȟáŋka) is the term for the sacred or the divine. Sasquatch. To tell someone that you love them in Lakota, say: Thečhíȟila, pronounced teh-chee-hee-lah, is the most common way to say ‘I love you’ in See more Here are some formal ways to say “love” in Lakota: Wíčhíyena – This is the formal term for “love” in Lakota. ; Stoodis (stew-dis): A humorous take on “let’s do this. I love that is has pronunciation recordings. However, none of these Navajo words truly imply “love. Chiye tanka – Lakota Sioux Indian Chiha tanka – Dakota Sioux Indian Kushtaka – Tlingit Indian A hoo la hul – Yup’ik Indian Esti Capcaki – Seminole Indian Love. ” ‘Ayóó’ truly means ‘a lot’ or’very much. I have always loved and respected my mother, but I never fully appreciated all the sacrifices she made for me until I became a mother I am by know means an expert on the Lakota language, but after a little bit of research I believe I have an acceptable answer The verbs "wasté" and "ȟópeča" both mean "to be beautiful", so The Lakota children at St. The phrase translates in English as “all my relatives,” “we are all related,” or “all my relations. The New Lakota Dictionary (NLD) Mobile App is the best way to look up Lakota words, hear pronunciation, and view thousands of example sentences while on the go. Famous Lakota Proverbs & Lakota Sayings. ” Or if you’re feeling more poetic, Cantecikiya (pronounced chawn-tay-chee-kee-yah), which means “my ️Welcome to Lakota Word Wednesday! ️ This week's phrase is: Aŋpétu kiŋ wóčhaŋtkiye - The day of love #Lakota #Language #LakotaWordWednesday #Love In the Lakota language, the word for dog—sunka—was used and altered to describe horses—sunka wakan—as another type of sacred dog. He is the Spirit of love. We create somatic experiences with our land and animals to connect all beings from their head to their toes. ” However, Tecihila (pronounced tay-chee-hee-lah) is a more common way to say “I love you” in Lakota Sioux, which simply means “I love you. Here are some ways to say “I love you” formally in a few Native American languages: Lakota Sioux: The Lakota Sioux tribe is known for its rich history and culture. ” Cantecikiya (pronounced chawn-tay-chee-kee-yah) is a more poetic term for “my heart is inspired by you,” which means “my heart is inspired by you. For example, in Dakota Sioux, zica with the stress on the second syllable means "squirrel," but zica with the stress on the first syllable means a kind of bird. A much more valuable site for understanding Lakota grammar and pronunciation, in truly learning the Lakota Language, Culture, and History is The Lodge of Šung'manitu-Išna, Lone Wolf A more common way to say "I love you" in Lakota Sioux is Tecihila (pronounced tay-chee-hee-lah), though, which means simply "I love you. ” The Lakota word for crazy is Witkotkoke Thanks for reading this post which covers the Lakota words for colors. ” It’s of oneness and harmony with all forms of life: other people, animals, birds, insects, trees and plants, and even rocks, rivers, Akicita is the Lakota word for warrior. ” Translation of "friend" into Lakota . [1] It refers to a practice among Lakota and Dakota people engaged in both the traditional Lakota religion as well as forms of Christianity. For example, ninauh-oskitsi-pahpyaki is a Blackfoot Love and Caring Words February 1, 2020 September 24, 2021. Family/People Terms: Kȟolá — friend . usually on the second syllable; sometimes on the first syllable (in 20-30% of the words); never elsewhere (with the exception of the word tuktená) Some words have the same spelling, but different intonations change the word's meaning, and therefore accents are important. Kinship Vocabulary. They believe Mother Earth is sacred, and so they honor and respect her greatly. When we say “I love you” to someone, there should also be However, the sentiment remains beautiful and moving. Established in 2015, Dances with Words has collaborated with nearly three dozen young people this year alone, says Autumn White Eyes (Oglala Lakota/Turtle Mountain Band of Anishinaabe), Program Manager of Youth Development at First Peoples Fund. ” Cantecikiya (pronounced chawn-tay-chee-kee-yah) is a more poetic term for “my heart is inspired by you,” which means “my heart Welcome to Lakota Word Wednesday! This week's phrase is: Čhaŋté mitȟáwa - My heart. My Ina was “my first” for everything—my first connection to the world, first source of nourishment, first bond, first love, first healer, first teacher, and first friend. = This is from the Lakota value of the northerly direction, and in this case, it means to have patience. The family tree form of this video helps you visually see the different levels of family The high Lakota participation in the widely toured and very popular Wild West shows – Buffalo Bill being the most notable impresario proponent. I just found out it cross-reference the Lakota words used in the Lakota people had regionally based beliefs called Star Knowledge. This means that the subject comes first, then the object, then the verb. I have developed this page as an aid to those folks whom are new at learning the Lakota way of life and the ceremonies and language that accompany it. People from all over Indian Country and around the world answered with short videos that feature them showing their love and speaking it in their Native tongues, . Here are some phrases to convey your love in a respectful and dignified manner: 1. Háu is pronounced exactly the same as the English word ‘how’. 24 Arabis hirsuta From the list of words, we can see that the Lakota is a living language, having added words to accommodate changes in the 20th and 21st centuries. – The emotion of love is performed on him. Wa chuntay oh gna kay = Generosity/Generous with your heart. Thiwáhe — immediate Lakota Word Wednesday -Thečhíȟila – I love you. The following love-themed Dakota words and phrases are terms of affection. SunBôw on Being A key concept in Lakota religion is wakʽą (wakan). Type a Dakota or English word and then hit Enter or click Search. Like when someone looks all rugged, What are Some Native-Specific LGBTQ+ Identities? Historically, LGBTQ+ Native Americans used terms for gender-related social roles unique to their specific tribe and tribal language. “I write poems in Lakota to help myself be more culturally involved,” says Star Comes Out. '' Recent posts. It’s a language that is still spoken by many people today, and it’s an important part of Lakota culture. Agape (Greek) — Love. ” Love is an action word, not simply an emotion. Song texts in Lakota with English translation printed in booklet. – The act of imagining is performed on the elephant. Associated with the qualities of Thinking about these two things together, I am reminded of one of our Lakota words, “techihila. ”Or if you’re feeling more poetic, Cantecikiya (pronounced chawn-tay The words Lakota and Dakota, however, A more common way to say “I love you” in Lakota Sioux is Tecihila (pronounced tay-chee-hee-lah), though, which means simply “I love you. (I love you. Lakota Language Learning. ‘nnshn’ is a word that means’regard What is the Navajo word for dog? Also shortened to just łééchąą’, the Navajo word łééchąą’í refers to domesticated dogs. Četáŋ - The hawk spirit of the East. E wang oh ma nee Lakota has the word pilámayaye for thank you, pronounced pee-LA-mah-yah-yey. When we talk about others, such as big sister or little sister, we use feminine and Below I’ve listed famous Lakota quotes, inspiring Lakota sayings and common Lakota proverbs. "[39] Similarly, the scholar of religion Suzanne Crawford termed it an "invisible energy or life-force," This video goes over the most important of kinship terms in Lakota. Check the dictionary for theȟíla, iyótaŋla, waštélakA MISS Pre-English influence Lakota lacked a phrase directly equivalent to the English "I miss you". Sample translated sentence: A happy, unending life with family and friends. This phrase carries a profound sense of admiration, love, and respect. Stem fibers are used to make nets and twine. In Lakota, how do you express love? I love you, Lakota Word Wednesday – Thehila. This is a table of all kinship terms used in Lakota. In Lakota Sioux, you can express love formally by saying, “Wóuŋspe kičhíčiyapiŋ kiŋ háŋ ni. Lakota, wašíčuiyapi are the top translations of "English" into Lakota. It is likely that the concept was Sung in Lakota; narration in English and Lakota. The phrase “I love you” in Lakota is “Sina wacipi. Lakota Sioux, also known as Lakȟótiyapi, is a Native American language of the Sioux language family. Translation is fast and saves you time. Grammar. However, to truly understand how this tag got attached to "White People", let us take a moment and review some history. St. ️ Many In the Sioux language, the word for peace is "wóiyake. kola, mašké are the top translations of "friend" into Lakota. ” (pronounced: wo-un-spay kich-ee-chi-yah-peeng ki-ung hahn nee). English Lak’ota (Lakota Sioux) ————-————————————-I love youThečhíȟila Iyótaŋčhila Čhaŋtóčhignake Get well soon Ečháŋni aníčisni kte ní! Lakota Word Wednesday -Thečhíȟila – I love you. ️ 👉 Wikcémna kȟal’íyutȟapi – ten Lakota Words Hawk- četaŋ (chehtahn) Coyote- mayaleca (mahyahshlehchah) Otter- ptaŋ (ptan) Porcupine- pahiŋ (pahheen) Prairie Dog- pispisza (pishpeezah) I will fight for love this day, I will fight to show the way, because I am here to love you dear, my heart that sheds so many tears. Central to the Lakota's spiritual practice is Wakȟáŋ Tȟáŋka, or the Great Mystery. [15] Their primary cultural prophet is Ptesáŋwiŋ, White Buffalo Calf Woman , who came as an intermediary between Wakȟáŋ Tháŋka Tȟáŋka and humankind to teach them how to be good relatives by introducing the Seven Sacred Translation of "English" into Lakota . The tale of the North Star is a beautiful romance between a person and spirit. The Lakota word for ' prayer ', wočhékiye, means ' to call on for aid, to pray, to claim relationship with '. He begins the story after Lakota people have inhabited earth for a long time and some traditions had been This plant is considered toxic by the Lakota, but the milky sap is used to "burn-off" warts when applied to the wart three times a day for 5-7 days. They give thanks to the Creator daily through living consciously and by praying to the Great How to pronounce words in Lakota and Dakota Sioux. So, sweetheart would be " Čhaŋté Skúya", but even today we use the terms for son and daughter in front of their names. If you want to say hello in Lakota then you can do so with the following phrases: Hello (for men) – Háu (How) Hello (for women) – Háŋ (Hahn) Háu and háŋ are the most common ways to say hello in Lakota Sioux. Unfortunately for language learners, native Sioux speakers almost never mark where the accent falls in a This word is derived from the verb “wóčha” which means “to love” or “to cherish”. This phrase is frequently confused with the phrase HAWAIIAN WORDS AND PHRASES ai kapu prohibition of men and women eating together aina homeland akua Polynesian gods ali'i priestly class who appeased the many Polynesian deities via rituals and behavioral taboos ali'I nui high priest/chief aloha aina love of their land aloha o'e my love be with you haole foreigner heiaus places, large or small, of special reverence; temples Welcome to Lakota Word Wednesday!This week's phrase is: Thečhíȟila = I love you. What dog name means love? Adora (Latin) — Loved child. " These spiritual laws are based on traditional Lakota beliefs and provide guidance for living in harmony with oneself, others, and the environment. People also inquire as to what the Lakota word means “love. The Lakota word for mother is Ina. The “lakota word for white wolf” is a phrase that means the wolf in the night. Ahava (Hebrew) — Love. Aiko (Japanese) — Love child. Jerome Kills Small, vocals and narration. A more common way to say “I love you” in Lakota Sioux is Tecihila (pronounced tay-chee-hee-lah), though, which means simply “I love you. How do you say my love in Lakota? A more common way to say “I love you” in Lakota Sioux is Tecihila (pronounced tay-chee-hee-lah), though, which means simply “I love you. Although there are many words for "to love" in Lakota, the phrase "I love you" is not used so freely in traditional Lakota as it is in English. In Lakota culture, the concept of love is closely tied to the idea of family and community, and the word “Wóčha” is often used to express love and affection Dive into the rich heritage of the Lakota people with our Lakota Word Wednesday series! Each week, we explore a unique Lakota word or phrase, sharing its mea How To Say Hello In Lakota. Čapa - The Beaver Spirit of labour and taxes. Beside this, What does Wopila mean in Lakota? Thanks given for all of existence. The chill is here! 🥶 The cold has been settling in and it has been feeling a lot like 10 degrees! Bundle up and stay warm as we learn this week's Lakota Word Wednesday. Below is a list of commonly recognized figures who are part of Lakota mythology, a Native American tribe with current lands in North and A whirlwind Spirit, child of Anog Ite. However, Tecihila (pronounced tay-chee-hee-lah) is a more common way to say “I love you” in Lakota Sioux, which simply means “I love you. Mitákuye Oyás’i. ” How do you say respect in Dakota language? In Dakota language, the word for respect is “Wóohoda” or “Oho’da. " Or if you're feeling more poetic, Cantecikiya (pronounced chawn-tay-chee-kee-yah), which means "my heart is inspired by you. Here are some themed Sioux word lists we have put together and illustrated for language learners. FAQ. ) #LWW #LakotaWordWednesday #LakotaLanguage #NativeAmerican Are you up for a challenging Lakota Word Wednesday? ☀️🌙 This week's word is: Wiótheȟika wí — Moon of hard times/sun is scarce moon As the days get shorter and shorter, winter approaches. With Valentine’s Day approaching, this time of year is perfect for letting your loved ones know how much they mean to you. " The Sioux language is a complex language with several dialects, including Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota. DeMallie described wakʽą as "the animating force of the universe," [38] and "the creative universal force. The Lakota language is spoken by the Sioux nation and is known for its rich cultural heritage. To understand how to say “I love you” in Lakota, we need to first understand the basics of the language. Rez (rehz): Short for “reservation,” referring to the place or something uniquely tied to rez life. Joseph's Indian School, an apostolate of the Congregation of the Priests Becoming familiar with some Lakota words is helpful while learning and understanding the importance of Lakota language! Here are some common words and basic concepts, including a formal introduction that is used to introduce yourself in Lakota and the kinship terms used to greet your thiwáhe (family). And when we hope to comfort folks, then we will be Unofficial Lakota Language Guide Aho! Metakuye Oyasin. "Words to these songs are translated from Lakota to English in slow speech, then sung after each translation in their clear and traditional melodies"--Container. About. ” Hunkapi is a farm that teaches the world to fear less and love more. The Lakota people, a Native American tribe from the Great Plains, have a deep spiritual tradition centered on seven core values known as the "Seven Sacred Laws" or "Lakota Virtues. It is primarily spoken by the Lakota people, who are part of the large Sioux Nation. Čhaŋté Skúye — Sweetheart . Unfortunately for language learners, native Sioux speakers almost never mark where the accent falls in a Translation of "earth" into Lakota . Carefully examine Marshall’s use and definitions of the Lakota language. In Lakota, “Thečhíȟila” means “I love you. makȟá is the translation of "earth" into Lakota. Vocabulary. Are you up for a challenging Lakota Word Wednesday? ☀️🌙 This week's word is: Wiótheȟika wí — Moon of hard times/sun is scarce moon As the days get shorter and shorter, winter approaches. It represents a state of harmony, tranquility, and absence of conflict. . The Indigenous People of America, pre-Columbus, will profess to being peaceful people. Wóiyute: This term often refers to “peace” as a sense of contentment and well-being in Lakota culture. ” —Revelation 21:3, 4, Contemporary English Version. Media. When talking about immediate family we have the basic terms such as mom, dad, grandma, etc. The tendency of Lakota traditionalists toward syncretism and subsequent openness and willingness to share with non-Lakota peoples. What are the differences between English and Lakota? 4 In the Lakota language, Unsiiciyapi (un-shee-ee-cee-yah-pee) translates to Over a decade ago, the Native American sketch comedy group 1491s went online and asked their fans and supporters a simple question: “How do you say, ‘I Love You’ in your Indigenous language?”. How do you say my love in Sioux? A more common way to say “I love you” in Lakota Sioux is Tecihila (pronounced tay-chee-hee-lah), though, which means simply “I love you. Don't forget to share so your friends can learn with you! Welcome to Lakota Word Wednesday! This week's Expressing your love in the Lakota language can be a heartfelt and meaningful gesture. In Lakota culture, the Check 'I love you' translations into Lakota. The Lakota are aware that snakes tend to hide under this plant. Learning to say “I love you” in Lakota allows you to connect more deeply with Lakota culture and individuals. Getting Started. To illustrate this Below are some formal expressions of the word “peace” in Lakota: Tȟókȟahe: This is the most commonly used word for “peace” in Lakota. It can be used in Now that we’ve covered the basics of the Lakota language and grammar, let’s learn how to say “I love you” in Lakota. ” Or if you’re feeling more poetic, Cantecikiya (pronounced chawn-tay-chee-kee-yah), which means “my heart is inspired by you. It conveys a deep affection and respect. Lakota Word Order Lakota does not use SVO word order. " (love) 6) Icicupi - "To give of one's self, an offering. ”; Just rank: Describes something gross or unpleasant in a Online version of Freelang's Lakota-English dictionary and English-Lakota dictionary. ️ Many List I - Author: Birgil Kills Straight - Oglala Lakota 1) Wacante Oganake, "To help, to share, to give, to be generous. [34] This has been translated into English as "holy," [35] "power," [36] or "sacred. Learn useful phrases in Lakota Sioux, a Siouan language spoken in parts of the USA and Canada. “Thank you” in the language of the Lakota (Sioux) Indians. " [37] The anthropologist Raymond J. Related Posts: How To Say Hello In Lakota Sioux + Other Useful Lakota Greetings; How To Say ‘I Love You’ In Lakota Sioux + Other Romantic Phrases; 38 Lakota Sioux Quotes, Sayings & Proverbs Everyone Should Know; Join 100+ million people learning a language with Mondly. Joseph's Indian School, an apostolate of the Congregation of the Priests Welcome to Lakota Word Wednesday! This week's phrase is: Thečhíȟila - I love you St. These proverbs are not just catchy sayings or clever metaphors, but nuggets of truth that reflect a deep understanding of life, connection to mother nature, and human wisdom. ” How do you say water in Dakota? In Dakota, the word for water is “Mini” and it is pronounced as “min nee. At the bottom of the table, you can find explanations for some of the terms that we don't often use in English. Feel free to print them out for classroom purposes! Lakota Sioux animal words Dakota Sioux body parts Lakota Sioux color words Lakota Sioux numbers Additional Resources Sioux Indians South Dakota tribes Sioux mythology Indian names The New Lakota Dictionary (NLD) is the largest and most comprehensive Lakota Language dictionary currently available. Craig Howe is the Director of the Center for American Indian Research and Native Studies. " (sacrifice) 7) Wowicake - "That which is real, the way the world is. Look through examples of I love you translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. (All Are Related) is a Lakota phrase and reflects the interconnectedness held by the Lakota/Dakota/Nakota oyate. ” This Interested in learning Lakota directly? David Little Elk, certified Lakota Language & Culture Teacher, author of the Lakota Language book & CD method Cante Etanhan Owoglake (Speaking From The Heart) and the Lakota Culture book Wicoh'an Otehike (The Difficult Path), has just announced the inauguration of his Wakinyan Kiza Lakota Online Academy, where he offers Click here to see Lakota vocabulary words compared to words in the Dakota dialect: Sioux Indian Words Click here to see Lakota vocabulary words compared to words in related Siouan languages: Siouan Indian Words Lakota Picture Dictionaries Here are some themed Lakota word lists we have put together and illustrated for language learners. ” Overall pronunciation guide: The stress or accent in Lakhota words is:. ; Skoden (skoh-den): Playfully means “let’s go then,” often as a challenge or call to action. This In Lakota we refer to our families with kinship terms. Likewise, What does Aho I love the Lakota words for our land: wí hinápȟa (sunrise) obláye (prairie) wanáȟča (flower) As a kid, até would teach my friends and me Lakota sayings you can’t learn in the textbooks. Learn how to say "love" in Lakota with different The Lakota word for “I love you” is “Wóčha” (pronounced woh-chah). “In Lakota culture, we have three genders — male, female and the winkte," the Rev. Here are some formal ways to say “I love you” in Native American languages: Lakota: Sinté Wastén – I love you. The Lakota language is a complex and nuanced language that has a rich history. Sioux Stress Word stress in the Sioux languages is significant. Sample translated sentence: “God . This list includes: Lakota (Teton), also known as Thítȟuŋwaŋ — South Dakota, United States Santee (Eastern) Dakota, also known as Isáŋyathi; Sisseton Dakota, also known as Sisíthuŋwaŋ; Santee subdivision Wasichu is a Lakota word, meaning taker for the fat or greedy one. I added these words to the packet that I use: I Love You - Iyótaŋčhilake I Respect You - Čhiyúonihaŋ I Like You - Waštéčhilake Wocekiye (Lakota: Wočhékiye) is a Lakota language term meaning "to call on for aid," "to pray," and "to claim relationship with". ↔ Oíyokphiya thíwahe na takȟólaku ob yaúŋ kte. Amata (Latin) — Beloved. The Lakota people believe that the wolf is a sign of good luck. With the Lakota Translator, you can effortlessly convert your regular language into the poetic expressions of Lakota, a language spoken by the Lakota people of the Great Plains. The Lakota The Lakota stress the importance of speaking directly to the Creator – Tuŋkášila, and to having a close and open relationship with the Great Spirit – Wakáŋ Táŋka. In Lakota, what does Hoka Hey mean? Simply put, Hoka hey is a Lakota word that means “Let’s go!” or “Let’s do it!” and is expressed with courage and confidence in the face of difficult circumstances. This word is derived from the verb “wóčha” which means “to love” or “to cherish”. Expressing love in Lakota carries deep significance and reverence. " Iyakiciyuha isn't all that romantic. Below I’ve listed the most famous Lakota proverbs as well as some common Lakota sayings Understanding the Lakota Language. . This innovative translation tool captures not just words but the essence and culture behind them, bringing you closer to the vibrant heritage of the Lakota Nation. ” This word is often translated as, “I love you. Instead, it uses SOV (Subject-Object-Verb) word order. Joseph’s send their love and thanks! Kihélaka yo/ye — keep going (yo-male speaker) (ye- female speaker) Thečhíȟila — I love you. will wipe all tears from their eyes, and there will be no more death, suffering, crying, or pain. Lakota lessons and language tools. How to pronounce words in Lakota and Dakota Sioux. Wíyutehiŋ – This word Find the top translations of "love" into Lakota, such as asčú, iyótaŋla, and thekíčhiȟila, with sample sentences and pronunciation. Sample translated sentence: While on earth, Jesus fed the hungry, healed the sick, and restored life to the dead! ↔ Makȟa akaŋ Jesus ločhín hená wowíčhaku Humor and Everyday Conversations Native slang phrases. Lakota Word Wednesday! Thechíhíla. The literal meaning is "feel-good-me-you-made". "Many thanks" is lila This is a Swadesh list of Siouan languages, specifically Lakota, Dakota, Osage, Tutelo and Crow, compared with that of Pawnee, as well as English. fejdkptq uqpf syfko azctq vpsa vve smeumsw zvsn nddmn osdzytj dcqinf qdabkk iods razim biwd