Remington model 51 serial numbers. Return to “RR / Post - 1898” Jump to.
Remington model 51 serial numbers This has indicated to me that the serial numbers and date codes of Apache 77 ranged R1153 RARE REMINGTON MODEL 51 EARLY PRODUCTION PISTOL; Caliber 380 ACP. The available Model 17 serial numbers begin on page 65 at January 19, 1926, at serial number 35637, to October 6, 1933, at serial number 74020, the end of regular production. The pistol remains in very good condition showing 75%-85% original blue with some losses at the high points, edges and muzzle. Top. Description: Manufactured 1918-1926. Remington Model 8 date of manufacture. I bought my first Model 51 . 32 ACP caliber, serial number PA65134. Model. 2K views 5 The following information is from various sources and can be used to date a Remington 700 Rifle. Lot #628: Remington Model 740 Woodmaster Semi-Automatic Remington 51 Semi-auto Parts Kit. Barrel code is BSS The rear sight is the standard Remington sight these came with the front being a Redfield. SKU. NO SERIAL RECORD Unfortunately page 64 of the old Remington factory "Between the Wars" ledger, which should be the first page of Model 17 serial numbers, is missing. ” At the time of writing of Simmons’ first article (probably 1978), Mr. org | Privacy Policy | Cookie policy All Model 51s are marked with a serial number on the left side of the frame, with the prefix “PA” for Pedersen Automatic. Browning designed Remington Model 17 20-gauge pump shotgun, was Catalog No. 500,000 – 575,000. Serial Number: Class: Curio & Relic Handgun. Remington serial numbers located on receiver of your shotgun or rifle. Save Share The rifle has "Model 40-X" on the left side and the serial number ends with a "B". Any help would be appreciated. REMINGTON DATES OF MANUFACTURE . Post by R Ricks Remington Typewriter Photos of Remington Deluxe Model 5 by year then serial number by date. henrysccr. (I think another General), who sent a used Model 51 to Remington to have it restored to like-new condition. nonobaddog Posts: 2 Post by nonobaddog » Fri Mar 02, 2018 7:20 pm. 20200223_063857. My Dad's Remington 511 Scoremaster does not have the usual cryptic date codes. Just 65,000 were produced between 1918 and 1927. I have been unable to determine date of manufacture using this number. 1968: NO SERIAL NUMBER PREFIX 1968 TO PRESENT: LETTERS USED (IN SEQUENCE) L-68, M-74, N-78, P-85, R-90 LETTER SUFFIX SAME STRUCTURE AS THE M/870 By the way, IF this is in good shape, you got one hell of a bargain. 22s in October 1967 to comply with the 1968 requirements. That big mark appears to be a "Z", which doesn't correspond to any of the year codes for the 514. I'm really not sure if it can be accurately dated by the serial number, but you can get a good estimate. 30, 1919. Decoding the Location Clues. Post by hompac » Sat Feb 04, 2006 3:32 pm. Serial numbers for the Remington Woodsmaster 742 start with the letter “G” followed by six digits. Den. 380 ACP Semi Automatic Pistol Manufactured in 1919 C&R Ok Description: *****SALE PENDING***** A customer has committed to the purchase of this listing. According to John Rem-Rand Serial Numbers Data from Remington Rand Corporation Records of Advertising and Sales Promotion archived at Hagley Museum and Library : Appendix I Typewriter Manufacture Dates and Serial Numbers Sept. ILION, N. For certain Remington rifles, the serial number can provide the manufacturing year. Another (Remington Manufacture Dates) says a two letter code on the barrel reveals the year of manufacture. 35 Remington, a rifle I had been looking for for a long time. But you need to use two letter code First of all, Browning (FN or Miroku) never made a Model 11. How many digits are in the serial number? The serial number of the Remington Model 241 typically consists of six digits. Overall condition on this gun is very good, with only some high end wear and light pitting on the muzzle and light pitting on the frame near the serial number. Contact Seller *Your Name: *Your Email: *Your Phone Number: *Message: Yes! I would like to receive news and updates from Guns International. I checked the Remington website for rimfire history and seems they have every model listed except the 40X Thanks . Offered first to the US Army who were willing to test the new pistol but continued to place orders for M1911s. The grips are good with just normal aging. Remingtons manufactured I have a . Model 600 Vent Rib Montana: 1964: 1020. Remington did not make many of these and to have serial #2 would be a great plus for ANY How to Determine the Manufacturing Date of Your Remington Firearm. : GunBroker is the largest seller of Curios & Relics Collectible Firearms All: 1078630808. The following barrel date code information is for Remingtion firearms manufactured after 1921. Remington had stopped Remington 870, 700, 1100 Serial/Barrel Number Lookup Remington Serial/Barrel Number Lookup enables you to check when your Remington firearm was manufactured. Advanced Remington Model 51 semi auto . C. Weight . 315. The shotgun that came to be known as the Remington Model 10 was introduced in the 1908-09 Remington Arms Co. Table of Contents. A few more Model 17s The rifle does not have the original barrel. The first three digits indicate the gun’s production year, with the remaining three At some point in time, and I haven't seen enough examples to narrow it down, Remington dropped the S prefix from The Sportsman serial numbers. a “scrapped” receiver. The "B" designation in the serial number indicated the change in design that occurred in 1963/4 and did not indicate a year. Refurbished Scopes Shop By Gun Model Re-Glassed Scopes Restored Scopes Scope Services Mounts Parts Cool Stuff Remington 51 Serial Number Cutoffs. org | Privacy Policy | Cookie policy I can't find a model Number on it but is does say on the top-Remington ArmsU. Topics related to Post - 1898 Remington Pistols. What if my Remington 700 was manufactured before 1921? Can the Remington 700 serial number indicate the country of manufacture? No, the serial number is solely used to identify the production date and Serial is 427XX so this is a 1922 pistol. Remington Model 51 . Remington. 380's were made in around 5X the number of . Mine has serial number 499XX with Remington Trade Mark on the right side and Here is your answer at the Remington Society web page, Production of the 33 began in 1932 Manufacture Dates | Remington Society of America Let me add a edit: I have a Remington 33 pictured in my avatar the A Remington Model 51 is a . Number Manufacture. I have a Remington model 25 in 25-20 serial number 8632 with date code BQ I gather the B means January - but cannot find the letter Q until the 70's which is not possible. The 51 was introduced in 1970, the Model 51 was a gas-operated semi-automatic shotgun designed by the late James Tollinger. Simmons Our Remington serial number lookup allows you to date your vintage rifle. Before that, it was hit and miss. From the introduction of the Model 31, through 1936, the 31A "Standard" grade had a checkered stock and forearm. Up for your consideration is a fine example of a Remington UMC Model 51 chambered in . Bore Condition: The bore is partially darkened with pitting and softened rifling. Condition: 3 - Good: Parts that have been used but are still in mechanically good The Remington Model 51 along with a period shoulder holster in which it might have been carried. Page 2 begins with 35639 being the highest serial number receiver put in work by January 19, 1926. There is nothing on the bolt and I have not removed the action from the stock (yet). nambujim Posts: 623 Joined: Sat Jan 14, 2006 9:16 Can the serial number help me determine the model of my Remington 700? No, the serial number only reveals the manufacturing date, not the model. Now you can do this automatically using Rem870. CO. dusty . However, over the years, with various models and configurations coming out, the need to authenticate, identify, and Buy Remington Model 51 Semi Auto Pistol 380 ACP Made 1918 3 DIGIT SERIAL#: GunBroker is the largest seller of Semi Auto Pistols Pistols Guns & Firearms All: 1092581313 username, the item and order numbers to the seller. Semmer's book Remington Double Shotguns. com) MODEL 1100 LETTER PREFIX 1964 TO APPROX. Number Manufactured. 1967. Save Share Reply Quote Like. So, the 136497 serial is pretty odd since the two models were numbered separately. 65. Caliber/Gauge:. Caliber/Gauge: 32 ACP / 7. Approximately 65,000 were made and this THANKS SARGE BUT THE M51 ALL SERIAL NUMBER STARTS WITH PA AND NO LETTERS ON THE BARREL BESIDES THE CALIBER AND PROOF MARKS ON THE Here is some information that you can get from you serial number after 1921 Remington's manufactured after 1921 have a code located on the left side of the barrel near the frame that identifies the year and month of manufacture. gastrap. The Model 11 was made by Remington using J. But the bulk of the Model 17s up into the 28xxx serial number range came with barrels roll-stamped The Remington Arms Union Metallic Cartridge Co. Then Locating the Serial Number on Your Remington Model 1889 Shotgun: A Comprehensive Guide. Description: Remington's first side ejecting repeating shotgun. It's a 380, and otherwise seems to match the pre-1922 pistols. 50, and a 31AC Model 31. F. 380 ACP or cal. It takes time to complete a purchase so the listing may be "SALE PENDING" for some time before the transaction is completed. R Ricks. but General Model 700's. By the serial number, as well as the wording of the engraving that is faintly legible in the serration atop the slide, my friend’s Model 51 was manufactured in 1920. GTIN . Operation: SCM Datecode; Typewriter Hunter Merch! Members . Post by henrysccr » Tue Dec 27, 2005 1:19 am. 32-20 W. They're on a Remington Model 514 that's been in my family for many decades. catalogue as the "Remington Repeating Shotgun" -- shows the first entry for Model 10 had reached serial number 172939 on Sept. Our Remington serial number lookup allows you to date your vintage rifle. Simmons, Jr. There is a serial number on bottom of barrel L 76446. For $200 and it functions fine, you got a very good deal. 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. Board index » Handgun » Remington R-51. rifles and 1960 for civilian. Specifications: Remington Model 51. However, it is always recommended to cross Remington Model 51 . The receiver marking on the rifle I bought is "30 Express" not "30-S Express" All of us Model 51 owners know the following: When the assets of Ithaca Gun Company were sold off in New York in 2005, they did not receive the serial numbers for the Model 51's. 32 ACP and . Identify the Model: Serial numbers can help you confirm the Remington Model 77. This address will not be sold or used for promotional I have a Model 51 in . Is there a source to check my serial numbers for a manufacturing date? Or if some one can help me i'll give numbers and Remington Model 31 16 Ga. Looking at my other 30-S rifles I noticed that they all have serial numbers in the 20,000+ range and that they all have aperture sights. 32's in close proximity to it. remington model 51 is highly collectible pistol, and remains one of the finest defence pistils ever designed. Remington Society; ↳ Guestbook; ↳ General comments or discussion; Remington REMINGTON 600’s — 660’s. MDjet1's Profile. 36 Remington New Navy Model. , in surprisingly excellent shape, and was please to see so, given its low serial number. Although the Remington Arms Company is now noted almost exclusively for its sporting rifles and shotguns, this firm once ranked among the leading Manufacturer: Remington Model: 51 Serial Number: PA69592 Barrel Length: 3 . 99" Finish: Blued. 80944. the year code letters duplicate; some knowledge of when the model was In 1919 serial numbers ran from PA26 through PA22991. Item Characteristics. See all listings by Alligood's Print this listing. If any one knows of the secret book of serial numbers, I would be ever so grateful. Completeness: 3 - Missing Parts: More than a few missing small parts. Remington 51 32ACP Parts Kit . They can easily be reconized by the serial # on the left side of the receiver preceded by the The rifling is good, the hinges are intact, and the gun appears to be functional. Remington made use of a two or three letter Firearms Identification Code that can be located on the left side of the barrel, just ahead of the Remington's manufactured after 1921 have a code located on the left side of the barrel near the frame that identifies the year and month of manufacture. Mine was made in Oct 67 the last month that used a code rather than the serial. SKU . The top marking is "Remington Arms - U. Topics related to Pre - 1898 Remington Pistols. Grades Offered: 25A Standard 25C Special 25D Peerless 25E Expert 25F Premier. The following letters Remingtons manufactured after 1921 have a code located on the left side of the barrel near the frame that identifies the year and month of manufacture. However, this method is not always reliable as Remington may reuse serial numbers in different years. I'm wondering I've got a Model 51 with a six-digit serial number it doesn't start with "PA". About . FFL is required Ask Seller a Question The Model 12 was introduced in 1909, so if it's an early one you have to go by the serial number. Dating Remington 700's. 600RemGuy Posts: 375 Serial numbers aren't all that reliable for dating these things. Help me if you can! THANX!! Top. this perticular serial number pa 59076 remains in pristine original condition and 100% functional. Another “ESTATE” firearm Remington started putting serial numbers on all . U was a Remington "stock letter" for this pump gun. Post by Steven would like to circle back to Model 51 trigger guard letter codes. Other Model. Caliber/Gauge: 12, 16, 20 Gauge. Jump to Latest 5. The . According to Norm Flayderman's Guide To Antique American Firearms, which is the bible of antique arms collectors, Reminton produced 122,000 units of the . Model 600 Vent Rib 223 Caliber. It has no serial number – it came off the line in Ilion sometime between 1947 and 1953, which was before such numbers were required. Identifying and understanding its serial number is crucial for determining its production year, tracing its history, and confirming its authenticity. What I've found so far seems to indicate that this a later 4th model, 2nd variation, manufactured sometime between the 1920's The serial number of the Remington Model 241 usually consists of a combination of numbers and letters. Remington manufactured approximately 65,000 Model 51 pistols in . 3. M. Grades Offered: Model 41 Targetmaster, 41A, 41PS, 41AS Variations: Model 41A Smooth bore, Model 41SB it was made between 1936 to 1939 by The first catalog to offer the John M. Rare opportunity to purchase a low serial number Remington. com Remington Serial/Barrel Number Lookup. see the pictures of remington umc model 51caliber . 32 made in 1923 but the LN makes it feb. SOLD. Re: Model 51 letter code. Caliber. , the company name from 1916 to August Forgive me as I'm not up on serial numbers of the time (I believe they weren't even serial numbered at the time), but your rifle seems to be an early one built in May of 1940, the year they started production of that model. hipwr223 A+(6984) Seller's Other Items. 5 Caliber 1972 1979: 97594. bravo1ninewlknded Posts: 1 Joined: Sat May 25, 2013 9:49 pm. 380 retains much of its original blue. It was available in either cal. Even though Remington Model 51: I. So, A. 380 Model 51, serial # PA 5388. I finally found the serial number on the right side of the frame under the carriage rail: J1391378 Fortunately, there is an online database of serial numbers for 512's produced from 1940 -1962 , 512X's from 1965- 1967 - Remington stopped putting serial numbers on barrels around 1941 except on 513's , 37's , + some other target models - after December 1968 GCA required all serial numbers to be on receivers - i have never found any data on serial numbers in any Remington records - Manufacture Dates And Serial Numbers. This website (Remington Model 31 - Wikipedia) indicates the model 31 was made from 1931 to 1949. 380 ACP calibers from 1918 to 1926, though small numbers were assembled into the mid-1930s. Return to “RR / Post - 1898” Jump to. FFL. More Information; Manufacturer: Remington: Model: 51. Change font size Print view. 1909-1912. By deciphering the Remington 700 serial number, one can unveil details regarding the manufacturing date, place of production, and even specific model The Remington Model 51 semi-auto pocket pistol was produced from 1918 through 1926. Remington redesigned the firearm for the modern world and re-released it a couple years ago, with an updated model recently released. 380's from Colt's and Savage. Remington Model 51 Semi-Automatic PistolManufactured 1918-1926. 380 in January of this year. By definition, a SN gap is either a dropped or unaccounted for SN (“lost”); or a serially stamped, but defective receiver never used in making a fully assembled rifle, e. The following letters correspond to the months of the year Month Codes: [first letter] Model 1100 LETTER PREFIX 1964 TO The definitive early sources of information and history on Remington Model 51 prototypes are two articles by Donald M. R emington 700, an iconic bolt-action rifle that has stood the test of time, is a favorite among hunters, target shooters, and firearm enthusiasts. ©2025 All Rights Reserved | Remington Society of America | info@remingtonsociety. The serial number is PA5127 Thanks! Kipp May 3, 2011, 03:26 AM #2: gyvel. The Remington UMC listed separately in the Blue Book, 13,000 made in 1918 and some in 1919 is the WW I Remington contract for 1911 . You need to check out Charles G. The serial number is also stamped on the rear of the slide. Serial Number: 17295 The Remington Model 51 may have been lost to history but for the efforts of a couple of Remington employees. The one next to it looks like a "7" with a short tail. Montana Commemorative– Mfged 3-Digit Serial Number Remington UMC Model 51 . Serial Numbers by date (factory record book) Other Serial Lists. Checkered grip and forearm. Remington Society; ↳ Guestbook; ↳ General comments or discussion; Remington The John D. 22LR. 16 posts • Page 1 of 1. 32 Pistols. This address will not be sold or used for promotional Generally, the serial number on a Remington Rand typewriter is located on the frame, either on the left or right side, usually near the carriage or beneath the ribbon covers. Post by bravo1ninewlknded » Sat May 25, 2013 10:00 pm. 0,000 – 121,000 | 16 & 20 ga. Does anyone have knowledge of this? Age or value? Thanks, Steve. Determining the manufacturing date of your Remington firearm typically involves a combination of methods, depending on the specific model and year of production. 380. Serial Number Blocks: 12 ga. Mfg Part Number . Then, on September 28, 1937, Remington stopped the separate Serial Number Blocks: Starting: 00001 - Ending: 33000. hompac. any info would be much appreciated. 1964. Includes one 7-round magazine, original box and cleaning tools. a "B" would indicate 1955; "C" 1956, etc. The serial number is in . One way to determine what Remington 700 model you have is by locating the serial number on your firearm. Sort by Oldest first Oldest first Newest first Most reactions. However, the specific placement can vary depending on the model and year of manufacture. There is a swing pin on the right There is a shell extractor on the left side of the barrel. 380 ACP Remington Model 51 Semi-Automatic PistolManufactured 1918-1926. Manufacturer. . " The serial number is L95024; I don't see any other markings, although I haven't removed the grips. Can someone tell me when it was made or any other background info on this gun?? Thanks The Remington Model 51 is a small pocket pistol designed by John Pedersen and manufactured by Remington Arms in the early 20th century for the American civilian market. 32 caliber marked clip is I have the opportunity to buy a nice (in my opinion) Model 37. The most common methods include checking the barrel code, examining the serial number, and consulting Remington’s historical To make the repairs I needed to figure out what I was dealing with. The Firearms Identification Code information is reliable when used to identify the month and year of While the Remington Model 51 was sleek, ergonomic, and superbly crafted, it was destined to fail. I just acquired a well used remington model 1890 revolver. The serial number can help identify the specific variant, configuration, and age of your Remington 700. It is available from The Double Gun Journal, 800-447-1658 for $49 plus $10 shipping and handling. Model 600 Vent Rib 6. The pistol was either chrome or nickel plated (don't know how to determine which) when I bought it back whenever. Seller's Information When emailing or calling sellers direct, please mention that you Remington Owners, Remington Year of Manufacture Codes maybe found on the barrel of your Remington rifle [or shotgun] on the left side, just forward of the receiver; the first letter of the Code is the month of manufacture, followed by one or two letters which are the year of manufacture. UPC . Barrel Length: 3"-3. Approximately 65,000 were made and this example is serial number PA27066. Action Type: Pump Action. 380 hammerless pocket pistol on the Pedersen design as described above. What are the serial number range cutoff points for the Remington 51? So far I have: 1918 00001 00025 1919 00026 22991 1920 22992 35254 1921 35255 ????? 1922 ????? 44527 REMINGTON DATES OF MANUFACTURE . Remington started putting serial numbers on M/41s in mid-1936. This is an interesting serial number (WW2 production), if the production code is consistent. 1 SERIAL NUMBERS OF 1890 REVOLVERS. 7. Used Condition. 380 acp in pristine condition pistol. Year Discontinued: 1949. Category Remington Pistols. The action is good and the bore is very good. September 21, 2021 By Joseph von Benedikt. jpg. hello all, looking for the date of manufacture of a 30 remington caliber model 8; serial #29829. 35 Rem. , one in the 1979 Gun Digest entitled “The Remington Model 51,” and a later article in the May/June 1982 issue of Man at Arms entitled “The Remington Model 51 Prototypes. 3-1/4 inch barrel, hard rubber grips with the “Remington UMC” in a circle and a 380 Cal marked magazine clip. 32 ACP. I have a Remington . , jstanfield103. 8 posts • Page 1 of 1. Pedersen designed Remington Model 51 was the commercial adaptation of the earlier . Hopefully this information will help you in I wonder if my Remington Model 31 (photo of trigger group below) was re-blued. Senior Member . I'm sure we'd all like to see some good pictures of ©2025 All Rights Reserved | Remington Society of America | info@remingtonsociety. Can I determine the exact year of manufacture using the serial number? No, the serial number can only provide a range of " A four digit serial number would indicate a mid-50s production date. By using the online Remington Serial Number Lookup tool or referring to Remington’s manufacturing date codes, Unfortunately, the first Model 17 page is missing from the old between the wars Remington factory ledger. Caliber:. This is my first post and I was hoping to find out what year the Remington Model 51 is that my Grandfather gave me. FAQ Logout [ Bing [Bot] ] Advertisement; R51 Serial Numbers. 380 Model 51s had 9 vertical serrations--wide and U shaped--on the rear of the slide. It is about 90% condition externally with a beautiful bore. thanks, henry. The Remington Model 1889 shotgun, a classic American firearm, holds significant historical and collector value. Y. Remington Society; ↳ Guestbook; ↳ General comments or discussion; Remington Handguns; Manufacturer: Remington Model: 51 Serial Number: PA24096 Barrel Length: 3. The Remington 700 series began its journey in 1962, offering precision, reliability, and adaptability. MDjet1. 5" barrel with a very good or better bore; 3 safeties (grip, thumb and magazine); 7 round magazine; hard ruber grips; manufactured in late 1918 or early 1919; serial number PA 410 (Pederson's Automatic); semi locked breech reduces I recently purchased a woodmaster model 81 in 300 savage. 380 ACP, 9 grooves on the slide (early production); 3. View Members; Create An Account; Forgot Password; 1053 Brands 3201 Models 22039 Galleries 13767 Typefaces 6273 Patents. 4. Variations: 25R Carbine (with 18" barrel) Facebook; Instagram; Twitter; YouTube; Rifles; Model 870 Home Defense; Model 870 Synthetic Tactical 7-Round; Model 870 Synthetic Tactical; model 788 serial number production year? Topics related to Post - 1898 Remington Rifles. 5 Condition: Fair Metal Condition: Fair - Refinished Wood Condition: Poor Bore Condition: Fair . 380 ACP SERIAL NUMBER 1 with provenance. A review of that gun will follow soon. 51, the first catalog of Remington Arms Co. The Remington Model 51 semi-auto pocket pistol was produced from 1918 through 1926. Remington Model 77. D. The John Pedersen-designed pocket pistol wears serial number PA34340. g. 2014 Remington launched the R51, chambered in 9x19mm using Pedersen’s hesitation lock, Remington Barrel date Code (leeroysramblings. Ralfus. Model 600 Vent Rib all Caliber’s. Grades Offered: 31A - Standard Grade 31AC - Standard Grade 31AP – Standard Grade, Plain Barrel 31B – Special The K- and KE-Grades had Remington Steel barrels. These gaps in the SN sequence have resulted in more SNs assigned than rifles Remington Typewriter Photos of Remington Model 5 by year then serial number by date. Browning's patent. 380 ACP. Cart 0. I got one too. SN calculations reflect the reality “gaps” as well as “duplicates” within the serial numbering process. 1922! I recently acquired what I thought was a Model 30-S in . The serial number under the left grip and on the loading gate is 2004. 45 ACP. Posts: 19 Some criminals have been caught using serial numbers they found online to sell non-existent guns Remington started using serial numbers in Nov 1967 because as of Jan 68 they legally had to have them. It is NOT a variant of the M51, it is an authorized copy of the Colt Government Model. It stamped 380 on the magazine so at least I've narrowed down the caliber, I wasn't sure as my Grandfather had a box of . The gun is nickel-plated, though of course that may not be original. on Ed Buffaloe's great site he shows a close up of pistol (serial #65688) with an LN code on trigger guard. Remington typewriter Scarce Remington Model 51 semi-automatic pistol in . 45 ACP Model 53 (or Model 1917) developed for military service. 1873 : MODEL #1 INTRODUCED. 32 or . The serial number is in the 9,000 range. Moderators: Scorpion8, ripjack13, John A. 25-20 W. Greetings, I have a Remington model 51 . I read in an old guntraders guide that they were made from 1935 to 1950. I shoot only cast bullets in this handgun and it functions well. A correct . Its serial number is in the Very Low Ten thousand mark, 10,23*, of course the * being in place of the last digit. 32's to . Remington 512 Serial Number Location? they did not have any serial numbers - not required on long arms in this country till December 1968 GCA - there is a sticky on top of this thread under model 37 that has the date codes - what model number ? - bolt shroud case hardened ? - if it is a magazine fed model , does it have magazine latch attached to receiver or I recently aquired a Model 8, chambered in . F, . 28" full- fixed choke -plain barrel Smallbore Model 31 serial numbers started at 500000. Remington made use of a two or three letter Firearms Identification Code that can be located on the left side of the barrel, just ahead of the frame. Serial Manufacturer: Remington Model: 51 Serial Number: PA24096 Barrel Length: 3. Steven Swope. Click Photo to Enlarge: Guns International #: 102596210 Seller's Inventory #: 43744 Category - Remington Pistols - . It's quite pricey, so i have a call into Remington with the serial number (0048xx) to see what they can tell me. Join Date: Buy Remington Model 51 semi auto . Post by gastrap » Mon Sep 26, 2016 8:51 pm. 1 post • Page 1 of 1. Stamping following serial number. Or do I just have a very early model? NRA Patron member, retired USAF Combat Arms Training & Maintenance Instructor, NRA Certified Instructor, Beretta factory certified Is this where Remington had the serial number? If so would it be anywhere else on this rifle. NRA Life Member NCRPA Life Member. The stock has been altered at the bottom rail from the pictures. The stock and forearm are a dull green (Seneca?) The grip cap has Apache 77 on it. Year. (Firearms News photo) A scaled-up version of the Model 51 with an exposed hammer, designated the Model 53, was made Remington Model 51 Description: Presented today is a rare Remington Model 51 in . Topics related to Post - 1898 Remington Rifles. You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. The early . The Model 1900s had a snap-on/off forearm and their serial numbers were in the 300,000 range, often preceded with a stock letter Q. It does have a serial number stamped under the barrel, just forward of the wood stock. TWDB. Is the safety lever attached with a screw? Jump to. There was a total of 832,000 made, so if your serial number is four or five digits, it's probably a very early one, c. Marketed as “The Self-Aiming Automatic”, this sleek . 5059 posts Which I still have It also has JLS stamped on the barrel closer to where it Remington Model 8 date of manufacture. 44 Remington New Army Model and 28,000 units of the . 9 posts • Page 1 of 1. Introduction Year: 1931. These fine pistols were manufactured from 1918-1926 and feature a grip safety as well as a thumb safety. Sign In My Account. S/N is PA440XX and I presume manufactured somewhere in or around early 1920's. My barrel is stamped A comprehensive Remington 700 Serial Number Lookup Guide aids enthusiasts in understanding the significance of these serial numbers, unlocking key information about Remington 700 rifles. GregT Post by GregT » Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:23 am. 32's, quite opposite the ratios of . How accurate are the date codes for Remington rifles? Remington date codes are generally considered reliable and accurate. 380 ACP Description: Remington Model 51; very good+ condition; . that would be a . " In acuality the Four digit serial numbers ran into 1959 for Govt. Show More. Knowing when it was made might help decide. For 1937 there was a 31AP "Standard" Grade (without checkering) for a list price of $42. 380 cal that I bought 40+ years ago, probably at a gun show. HU55XF-WJX0-00. The case said “Remington Rand” but I had problems finding the serial number. Co, Ilion NY. S/N PA2. The first letter of the code identifes the month, the other letter(s) identify the year. SERIAL NUMBERS OF 1890 REVOLVERS. , Inc. About TWDB; TWDB News; TWDB FAQ; Missions .